The Ragged Blade
In stores from June 4th 2019
June 4th, team.
I’m still trying to get my head around that date. June 4th. Three weeks from now.
It’s been a long road we’ve taken, me and this little book. Twelve years since the first words hit the page. Five years of rewrites on what was then called Century of Sand. Two years of queries. Then Parvus Press gave me a chance and we dove back into rewrites for another 18 months, so extensive that the beautiful beast about to hit stores all across the US is something entirely new, all sleek and honed and ready for action.
I’m so proud of what me and my editor Kaelyn have created. It’s a bloody good book, and I can’t wait for you all to see it.
Three weeks. That’s all.
Now, here comes the sales pitch.
If you want to grab a copy of The Ragged Blade – and I sincerely hope you do – then the best thing you can do is preorder. Why?
You get the book as soon as possible
You do all sorts of magical algorithmic things that makes The Ragged Blade really visible on Amazon on launch day
You prove to my publishers that there’s a market for books 2 and 3
So grab your copy of The Ragged Blade today! You can do that direct from the publisher, or through:
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Paperback
B&N Nook and Paperback
or use Bookto to grab The Ragged Blade from a local Aussie bookshop!
Thanks, team. You’re all stars.