christopher ruz tells lies for money.

Photo of Christopher Ruz

Teacher, designer, and one-time stuntman (don’t ask), Christopher Ruz is a rabid fan of fantasy, science fiction, body horror and crime thrillers. Born in Hong Kong to well-travelled parents, Ruz was fortunate enough to live in South Africa and Vienna before returning to live and work in Australia. His love of dark fiction began when a worn copy of Pet Semetary caught his eye at a local flea market. He bought it with his pocket money and hid it under his bed so his parents wouldn’t see. He was eight years old, and has been a little odd ever since.

Ruz can also do twelve chinups. Neat!

Muffin, the rice-cracker thief

His best known works are The Ragged Blade (Parvus Press, 2019) and his ongoing horror series Rust. Meanwhile, he publishes the Olesia Anderson series of pulpy spy novellas under the pseudonym D.D. Marks. He has sold stories to Andromeda Spaceways and Apollo’s Daughters, has beaten the grueling Immerse or Die challenge twice, and was a finalist in the 2017 Aurealis Awards. When not writing, Ruz teaches art and design at Melbourne high schools.

Ruz is represented by Maeve MacLysaght at Aevitas Creative Management.

Muffin is Christopher’s cat. She’s a very good girl. She likes sitting on Christopher’s laptop because her mission in life is to hoard all the heat in the universe. She likes eating rice crackers. Why? Well, why not?


Coloring with Taylor Swift: Eras of a Pop Icon (TBD)

Vault Dweller: An Official Fallout Coloring Adventure (TBD)

XOMG POP! A World Tour Colouring Adventure (2024)

The Ragged Blade, Parvus Press (2019)

Pan, Andromeda Spaceways Best Stories of 2016 (2016)

Pan, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #62 (2016)

Weary, collected in Apollo’s Daughters by Silence in the Library Publishing (2015)

The King, Birdville Magazine (2011)

Occupied, Labyrinth Inhabitants Magazine (2009)

For commercial inquiries, please contact Maeve MacLysgaht at Aevitas Creative Management



Featured on 9gag, Wholesome Memes for Kindhearted Homies, I Can Has Cheezburger?, The Crazy Cat Man, WhitePeopleTwitter, and more.

She’s very, very cute.